Private Investors in the Professional & Financial Services Industry

Whateley Capital Investments

Whateley Capital Investments is an independent private investment company based in the UK.

Mark Whateley is an experienced business improvement consultant turned dealmaker, with a passion for business and creating value.  The team at Whateley Capital are making private investments in successful lower mid-market Professional & Financial Services companies which have growth potential.  Typically we invest for the long-term and look to build on the legacy and reputation in the business rather than looking to make fast cash from a quick flip!

As portfolio investors we will invest in businesses from other sectors when the right opportunity presents itself.

If your business fits our sector profile, and you’re looking to make a change in your life, then we would be very interested to hear from you.  As private investors we can act quickly and decisively to bring about a deal that is mutually beneficial to all parties.


Our Target Audience

Many SME businesses in the UK are owned and operated by highly experienced and dedicated people who have sacrificed a significant part of their lives to start and nurture a successful business, through good times and bad.  In fact, more than 50% of UK SME businesses are owned by baby boomers who are coming up to retirement age over the next ten years.

As one of these business owners you may be starting to think about easing off and enjoying that long and happy retirement they’ve always promised yourself.  Or maybe the daily slog has just got too much for you and you just want an easier life.

Whatever your reasoning, we specialise in doing deals with business owners who are looking for a change, that gives them the opportunity and financial freedom for that long and happy retirement but knowing that their legacy is safe in our hands.



Why Us?

Why should you consider us rather than other dealmakers or business brokers?


  • We help business owners make a dignified exit from their businesses
  • As private investors we can make decisions quickly and act decisively
  • We have a wealth of experience in business across many sectors
  • We have been helping companies get to the next level of performance for over 20 years
  • We act with empathy and respect, recognising that for you this is a really big deal
  • By selling direct to us you may be able to avoid broker fees
  • We will take the time to get to know you and your circumstances then agree a deal that works for everyone, allowing you to make a dignified exit

Our Ethos

It probably goes without saying that we have strong commercial motives for investing in successful businesses in our chosen sectors but in truth it goes much deeper than that.  We have always admired people with an entrepreneurial spirit, regardless of their level of success it takes real guts and determination to start any business.  Seeing it come to an end is heartbreaking!

Improving businesses and helping to take them to the next level has been our bread and butter for over twenty years.

As investors, we strive to build on the previous owners legacy and to implement effective growth plans that retain jobs and increase long-term financial stability.

Having a portfolio of companies allows us to support each business and benefit from their collective knowledge and economies of scale.


Latest News from our Blog

Help Needed…

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Selling Your Business

If you own a business, you may be wondering whether now is the right time to sell, what your business may be worth, how you would go about it and what sort of deal you might get? This is a complex subject and everyone's circumstances are different, but here is some...


Corona Virus We live in unprecedented times.  None of us have experienced anything like this before and every day the tragedy of this pandemic unfolds around the world.   Business Interruption Most businesses in the UK are experiencing some disruption and...

Our New Journey Begins

We are live at last It has been a long time in the making but Whateley Capital Investments is finally live and raring to go. Our CEO Mark Whateley said, "As business owners ourselves we understand fully the sacrifices you have to make to start and run a business, let...

Get In Touch

This is a general contact form.  If you are thinking about selling your business, or looking for investment, then you should use our Enquiry Form.

You can also contact us through our Facebook page or LinkedIn business page

Important: Please do not send us unsolicited marketing information.  It will be reported as spam and deleted unread.

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